
Bonus plan: your asset for appraisal

​​​​​​​​​A bonus plan is a tax-efficient solution for both you and your staff members. The ideal alternative to a cash bonus. Find out more about the other benefits too.

Favourable tax treatment

Allocating (a portion of) a bonus to a group insurance plan is a more tax-efficient solution than a cash bonus, both for the employer and the employee.


Invest with or without a guaranteed return, with opportunities in Branch 21 and Branch 23.

Immediate benefit

Even before they reach retirement age, your staff can take out a cash advance to build, remodel or purchase a home.

All benefits consolidated in one handy app

With MyAG Employee Benefits, your employees can access their benefits anytime and from anywhere they want, via their computer or their app. Plus, they also benefit from services to improve their mental resilience (only via the app).


Bonus plan, a win-win solution for you and your staff

As an employer, you want to reward your staff for a job well done. A year-end or cash bonus is, of course, an option, but you are well aware that your staff members don’t actually pocket much once the taxman has taken his cut. With a bonus plan, the bonus is allocated to a group insurance plan, which entitles both you and your employees to favourable tax treatment.

Quickly to

A bonus plan as a way to save up for a rainy day
With a bonus plan, your staff members walk away with a bigger chunk of their reward in hand than with a cash bonus.
What makes a bonus plan so tax-efficient?


With a traditional cash bonus, your staff members often end up with just 30% of the gross reward amount in hand. Not only is this unfortunate for your employees, it also dilutes the efforts you put in as an employer. All the more reason for you to consider a bonus plan instead, with tax benefits for both you and your staff.

Tax benefits for your staff

With a bonus plan, a portion of your staff members’ variable pay is allocated to a group insurance plan. As premiums paid into this type of plan are taxed at a much lower rate than traditional cash bonus payments, your staff members will walk away with 73-74% of their bonus in hand, significantly more than with a cash bonus. And when invested in a Branch 21 or Branch 23 fund, the amount could be even higher. 


And additional benefits for you as well

This tax-efficient way of rewarding your staff gives you a competitive edge in the war for talent. At the same time, you, as an employer, also benefit from favourable tax treatment. With a cash bonus, you pay 25% in employer contributions. If you opt for a bonus plan solution instead, the percentage drops to just 13.3%. On total company-wide bonus payments, this can easily add up to hundreds and thousands of euros per year.

A woman checks the possibilities of her bonus plan
Bonus plans come in many shapes and sizes. Choose the one that’s right for your company.

Experience the flexibility of a bonus plan

A custom-designed solution that’s right for your company

A bonus plan is more than just a tax-efficient advantage. It’s an integral part of a flexible remuneration policy that you can tailor to fit your company culture and vision:

All types of performance bonuses, year-end bonuses and gratuities can be fully or partially integrated in a bonus plan
A bonus plan can transform an existing bonus system or serve to create a new pay structure
A bonus plan can be set up for specific categories of employees
Payments into a bonus plan can be allocated differently according to age and seniority (e.g. a small share of the premium for younger staff members vs a bigger share for older employees)

With or without a guaranteed return

Premiums paid into a bonus plan are invested for the long-term. Depending on your risk appetite and risk profile, you can select an investment vehicle with or without a guaranteed return:

If you invest the premiums in Branch 21, you get the security of a guaranteed return, plus annual (variable) profit sharing may be also be awarded.
If you invest the profit sharing in Branch 23 with no guaranteed return, you can earn excess ROI based on your own self-defined risk appetite. This return will vary based on the economy and financial market performance.
You also have the option to invest 100% of the premiums in Branch 23.

Our sales managers will be happy to advise you and help you choose the best option for your company.

Your employee can immediately take out a cash advance to build or remodel a home
Your staff members can take out a cash advance towards buying or remodeling a home.

With a bonus plan, your staff members start reaping the benefits immediately

Another option that comes with a bonus plan is that it allows your staff members to take out a cash advance on their supplementary pension benefits. They can apply a portion of their accrued pension reserves towards buying or remodeling real estate or to pay off a mortgage loan, before they reach retirement age.

Your staff members can find all the details about taking an advance on MyAG Employee​ Benefits.    

Want to find out more?

AG Employee Benefits has capitalised on the digital revolution to provide additional value to customers. Our unique digital tools for you (AG EB Online) and your staff (MyAG Employee Benefits) will simplify your paperwork and shine the spotlight on the efforts you make.

My AG EmployeeGlobal Benefits

It's a secure, user-friendly app and platform for plan participants to find out everything they want to know about their corporate-sponsored group insurance. On the app, your employees can access their covers, anytime and anywhere. All of the MyAG Employee Benefits features are also available via your computer, but the services are only accessible via the MyAG Employee Benefits app.
The very first fully customised web-based platform for corporate-sponsored supplementary insurance. It’s the go-to source for your staff to find out everything they need to know about their supplementary benefits you have carefully hand-picked for them via
AG Employee Benefits.

1. Handy features wherever and whenever your employees want them
In just a few keystrokes, your participants can check the size of their supplementary pension as well as their death benefit coverage. And that’s not all – we’ve even incorporated their healthcare plans.

2. Services to help your staff members take care of their health  (only on the app) 
With the MyAG Employee Benefits app, you'll be entitled to many additional services to boost your mental resilience.
Easy access to a wide range of front-line care and support to help you stay mentally healthy. My Mind by AG​. 

Sustainability information

epending on the selected funds, the plan incorporates ESG factors that allow it to contribute to a positive impact on the environment and/or society and to limit negative impacts on the environment and/or society, through an appropriate selection of investments. Information on these ESG factors is available here (FR​ – NL). To find out more about AG's approach to sustainable and responsible investing, go to

You will also find more information in the sustainability fact sheet (FR​ – NL​) for each of the funds that can be included in this product as well as the corresponding annual report (FR - NL​).

For customers looking to double down on their commitment to ESG, AG also offers Branch 21 and Branch 23 products that take an even more advanced approach (FR – NL).

Intrigued? Want to find out more?
Ask your questions about Bonus Plan or request a non-binding offer via the contact button. You can also check the AG EB Invest dashboard​ for a clear and detailed overview of each of our funds. .


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