What are your challenges in the area of employee benefits? - AG Employee Benefits
Employers addressing employee benefits challenges

Published on 17/11/2020


What challenges are you facing in the area of employee benefits?


The global health crisis and its knock-on effects have upended life as we know it, creating new challenges for us to address. At AG, we want to guide and assist you in the best possible way. 

This is why we asked you to fill out a satisfaction survey this past June and July. You rated our approach and our service offer during the crisis favourably, and we thank you for the nod of appreciation. The survey results also identified a number of challenges that you are facing in the area of employee benefits. Read on to find out more about these different challenges and how AG can help you overcome them. ​

Challenge 1: Understanding employee benefits products

For 51% of the survey respondents, understanding employee benefits products is a challenge. It’s true that the intricacies of group insurance and healthcare insurance are complicated to understand. On our website, we explain the technical terms commonly used in the sector and our products in plain, user-friendly language​

Even if employee benefits products are still difficult to understand, 95% of the survey respondents are satisfied with our products. 

  • The products meet your expectations.
  • You view the offer as extensive, complete and of good quality.
  • You like the opportunity to offer your staff members a complete package. 

You also positively rated your interactions with your contact person(s). High scoring areas include the quality of the information provided and the availability of your representative(s), even in these unprecedented times. On the downside, the time it takes to process requests is often too long. We are aware of this and are working on solutions to reduce our turnaround time. 

Challenge 2: An easy solution to communicate fringe benefits to your employees
40% of the survey respondents find it complicated to clearly communicate what's included in their fringe benefits package. 

No wonder so many employers have taken a liking to My Global Benefits. 99% of our clients see it as a good solution to communicate their fringe benefits to their employees. Via this platform, your staff members can check all of the AG insurance covers that you have taken out for them. This way, they are more aware of the benefits you so generously provide.

The survey also highlighted the need to intensify communication efforts about innovations on the platform, such as the option to claim payment of supplementary pension benefits online. ​

Challenge 3: Keeping abreast of the latest news and legislative changes
36% of the survey respondents feel that it’s important to keep up to date with the latest news and legislative changes in the area of employee benefits. 

Many of you commented on AG's proactive approach to communication during the crisis. It’s true that we made a point of informing you of crisis-related legislative changes. For example, we added FAQs​ to help you manage your group insurance and healthcare plans. Now more than ever, we need to keep you informed of any legislative changes and the main group insurance-related topics.

86% of the respondents believe that AG truly deserves its "Supporter of your employees" tagline. Rest assured that despite the current public health crisis and the second wave threatening our economy, AG will continue to be a supporter of your employees. How? By continuing to share information on topics of interest to you, developing our My Global Benefits platform and reducing our processing times.