Hot news for the summer

What do you need to know when your employees travel to or stay in other countries? And have you heard about the 'Stop Colon Cancer' campaign aimed at companies? Discover these and other articles in our summer selection.



Our benefits abroad

The insurances of AG Employee Benefits travel with your employees whenever they go on holiday or business trips.

Hospitalisation insurance: always at your side

Even in other countries, your employees can rely on their hospitalisation insurance. Find out more about the benefits and how to use the insurance while abroad.

Coverage of war risks

Some foreign destinations are prone to political or social unrest. So it is important to know the rules that then apply to insurance for healthcare, life/death and disability.


Stop Colon Cancer

A few months ago AG Employee Benefits and non-profit organisation Stop Colon Cancer joined forces in the battle to beat colon cancer. But did you know that this campaign can also make a difference for your company?

'Stop Colon Cancer': boosting your image

You can now organise at your company a 'Lunch & Learn' session at which Dr Luc Colemont talks passionately about how you and your employees can put a stop to colon cancer. Find out more now.


Welcoming a new colleague

The end of summer is traditionally the time when loads of recent graduates embark upon their professional careers. Does this also happen at your company?

A new colleague joins your company

Are you about to welcome a new colleague? Take these 5 steps to make sure that you correctly enrol your brand-new staffers in your group or hospitalisation insurance scheme(s).

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