Your satisfaction matters. And so does your feedback. - AG Employee Benefits
Satisfaction Survey 2023

Published on 03/07/2023


How satisfied are you with AG?


As an employer, you are at the heart of everything we do for you and your employees. But are we actually meeting your needs?
To find out, we ran a survey this spring, and we're keen to tell you more about the results.

​​What you value​

 Always by your side, the way you like it!
​You expect an insurer to be there when you need it. However, in this rapidly changing digital world, people quickly get the feeling that their insurance adviser has disappeared off the face of the earth...
Fortunately, that's not the case with AG Employee Benefits! We provide just the right mix of high-performance digital tools and friendly, personal contact. Not only yesterday, but also today and tomorrow. The survey shows that we are doing well in this area. Yes, you do see us as a phygital insurer!

Friendly, clear and personal
Not surprisingly, AG contact people are the magic ingredient behind our high customer satisfaction ratings. The answers are practically unanimous: our contact people are always friendly, highly accessible, responsive and competent. Moreover, they communicate clearly and transparently. What else do our customers appreciate? Personal face-to-face contact and informative, enjoyable meetings.

Digital tools for added value
No less than 92% of customers surveyed say that My Global Benefits is a good solution for informing their employees about the benefits they're entitled to via their employer. And more than half are also very satisfied with the app. A figure that can only go up after our brand new, consolidated MyAG Employee Benefits app​ is launched in mid-July!

Solid insurance plan​
As is the case every year, our products remain one of our strengths. We read multiple times that employers offer "good coverage" and "a very good plan" via AG, something that obviously makes us very happy. Our customers continue to see us as a reliable partner when it comes to providing insurance products and services for their employees. Yes, AG is more than an ordinary insurer!​

Where we still have room to grow

​Of course, we also delved deeper into areas for improvement. Because our ultimate objective is to increase your satisfaction. Our day-to-day services continue to play an important role in overall satisfaction. The time we take to answer specific questions, process premiums and refund medical expenses is something we need to work on. So we clearly know where we need to take things up a notch.

Help us be more on the ball.

Would you be interested in sharing your views with us regularly? Then our EB Lab is the place to be. This is where we experiment and test new things – and we want you to be a part of it.

Test out AG's innovations in an EB Lab session!
  • You can be among the first to test out the new features of My Global B​enefits, the AG Health app and EB Online.
  • Tell us what you think of our communications. Are they clear enough?
  • Tell us how you want to be informed.

Our mission is to offer you the right support to manage your insurance and communicate the benefits you offer to your employees through AG. And so, we want to provide you with comprehensive services and communications, along with user-friendly digital tools.

Join the EB Lab community
As a member of the EB Lab community, you can take part in up to six online challenges per year. For each challenge, you'll receive an invitation by email with all the information:
  • The session topic
  • The time you need to complete the challenge
  • What we can take away from the session

You are always free to choose whether to take part in a challenge or not – there's no cost or obligation. However, we do ask you to take part in at least three challenges a year. That way, you are helping us to develop and evaluate innovative employee benefits.


​​We'd like to thank you for your trust and hope that you'll continue to be satisfied with AG in the future. If you have any questions about our services or are interested in helping us try out new services, please don't hesitate to contact your usual AG contact. ​