
Published on 29/05/2019


From return-to-work to prevention with AG Health Partner



Since 2017, AG Insurance has been offering return-to-work assistance to get staff members on long-term sick leave due to a stress-related condition (such as burnout) back in the workplace safely and successfully. The first results have been quite promising, and based on our experience to date, we are now taking the first steps to develop a comprehensive prevention offer.

To halt the rising numbers of long-term sick leave cases, a methodical preventive approach is needed on top of a high performance return-to-work programme.

Our research has revealed several challenges for employers: insufficient understanding of well-being at work, limited resources to launch well-being initiatives, and failure to take a holistic view of well-being.

With AG Health Partner, we are highlighting our ambition, together with the input of our customers/employers, to identify the key ingredients that will help them keep their staff members physically fit and happy at work.

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Ellen De Vleeschouwer, Head of AG Health Partner

"Companies have a lot of good intentions when it comes to employee well-being. But such initiatives are often isolated and not part of a comprehensive action plan. As a result, staff members remain unaware of all the efforts their employer makes for them."

The AG Health Partner concept is based on three fundamental principles: 
   1. Advice on well-being, drawing up action plan and guidance for employers

Employers need to make the shift from random one-off well-being initiatives to a broader action plan complete with clear and measurable objectives. This is also the aim of AG Health Partner’s “well-being labs”, which serve as a wakeup call for company management to get them to evolve from the current situation towards a more comprehensive vision of well-being.

   2. Access to accredited service providers

In Belgium, there are many coaches and companies that offer solutions in the field of well-being, often in very specialised areas. When we created our return-to-work assistance programme, we were aware that we would need to take an all-encompassing approach that addresses the mind-body-soul connection. This is why AG Health Partner has selected high quality care providers. By tapping into our collective knowledge, we can jointly come up with holistic well-being programmes that are custom-designed for each company.

   3. Access to the AG Health Partner digital platform for all staff members

Well-being is a very individual concept. For some, it means sports and physical fitness, while for others the focus is on developing healthy eating habits or boosting their resilience. Via the AG Health Partner digital platform, staff members are free to choose for themselves how they want to improve their well-being.


heidi-delobelleHeidi Delobelle, CEO AG

"There is an obvious mismatch between staff member expectations and employer efforts. Over the years, there has been an increase in demand for a sustainable approach to mental and physical well-being as a whole. With this in mind, we have taken things far beyond simply offering, for example, healthy balanced meals. Instead, for us it has been all about coming up with an individually-tailored programme, incorporating scientifically-based methodologies, selecting the right care providers, evaluating the results, etc. In other words, a structured, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach is needed, which is how we designed our return-to-work assistance programme. With AG Health Partner, our objective is to work alongside our customers/employers and flesh out their vision and action plan on employee well-being."

Interested in finding out more about AG Health Partner?

Read the press release on AG Health Partner (French)


Check our webpage to know more about AG Health Partner​ 

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