The 5 benefits of the AG Health app - AG Employee Benefits
The 5 benefits of My Global Benefits

Published on 29/03/2023


The 5 benefits of the AG Health app

​Why is the AG Health app such a handy tool to have at your fingertips? Similar to My Global Benefits, it provides your staff members with an overview of the group insurance benefits they have with AG Employee Benefits. In short, it's their go-to source for information about the corporate-sponsored AG insurance plans that you have generously taken out for them. And much more...

5 good reasons to use the
AG Health app 

The major benefit of the AG Health app and My Global Benefits is that your staff members can view their group insurance covers and fringe benefits online at any time and in one single place. That's why more than 75% of My Global Benefits users log in to the app to get a comprehensive overview of what's covered by AG, such as the type of hospital stay, the deductible, the maximum reimbursement cap, etc. 

And the tool is full of other handy features that make it a must-have on the group insurance market. Here are the 5 benefits that your staff members as well as you as their employer get out of the AG Health app:

1. A handy, user-friendly personal area

The app contains purely individually-tailored information, free of charge, based on the covers you provide, in clear jargon-free language.

What kind of information will you find on the app? A few examples:

  • the net value of your supplementary pension benefits directly online
  • an overview of medical expenses covered in Belgium and internationally
  • the replacement income you'll be entitled to collect if you are on long -term sick leave  due to an illness or accident or on maternity leave 

Our market research from year-end 2022 revealed that most AG Health app users gave us a score of at least 8 out of 10 for how easy it is to log in to the app (and 41% gave us 9 out of 10 or higher). So it's clear that the app is user-friendly and it's easy to find the information you're looking for.

2. The option to report a hospital admission

With the AG Health app - and also with My Global Benefits - your staff members can quickly and easily report a hospital admission. All it takes is a few clicks. It's that easy, plus it's fully secure. But don't just take our word for it – it's the opinion of nearly 80% of our survey respondents. 

What about medical expenses?

To make life a little easier for your staff members, we recently simplified our procedure for sending in medical expenses associated with a hospital stay. They can now send us their expenses even faster directly via the AG Health app - and also via My Global Benefits - as well as get an overview of all of the hospitalisation-related expenses that they have submitted. These feature is highly appreciated by our app users. 

Fun fact: our 2022 survey also revealed that the most popular feature in the AG Health app is the option to send in medical expenses. Over 83% of our survey respondents use the AG Health app to send in their hospitalisation-related expenses because they find the process quick, easy and efficient.

3. A gross-to-net calculator

We offer a unique solution on the market: a net group insurance proceeds calculator. With this tool, accessible to all, your staff members can quickly and easily calculate the net value of their supplementary pension directly online via the app and/or My Global Benefits. This way, your staff members get:

  • a better idea of the tax that will be withheld from their group insurance proceeds
  • a series of FAQs to help them head into retirement with confidence
  • the security of knowing how much they'll take home when they retire 

For more information and to test the calculator, click on the button below.


4. Security as a priority

We're sticklers when it comes to protecting your privacy. The AG Health app, like My Global Benefits, contains all kinds of personal and confidential information about your staff members. This is why prior registration is required before we can give them access to the tool. Once t​​his step has been completed, they can simply log in - with or without FaceID - and consult their app using their personal access credentials.

5. An easy rollout with AG to assist you every step of the way
Firsthand experience says it all, so we suggest that you watch this testimonial from a customer to get an inside view of the rollout of the AG Health app and My Global Benefits.


For more information about the AG Health app and to download the application, click on the button below.

More info about the AG Health app