AG still fully committed to sustainability - AG Employee Benefits
Nathalie Erdmanis

Published on 26/09/2023


AG still fully committed to sustainability

For a long time now, AG has been busy advancing its sustainability agenda. As a leading player on Belgium's insurance market, the company strives to be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders and the public, in response to customer needs. We caught up with Nathalie Erdmanis, Director of Sustainability at AG, who brought us up to speed on the various sustainability concepts and initiatives that are being integrated and developed at and by the company.

AG: Every year, AG publishes its Sustainability Report. How is the 2022 Sustainability Report different from the 2021 version? What are the newest developments?

Nathalie: First of all, for the 2022 Sustainability Report, we really wanted to come up with a narrative that would be accessible to all audiences. In other words, a lot of effort went in to convey our message in plain language. The end result? You don't need to be an expert in sustainability or insurance to understand the concepts. The layout is also particularly inviting, with attractive illustrations and infographics that highlight the key figures in our areas of impact: insurer, investor, employer, socially responsible company.

In terms of the content, we wanted to emphasise how sustainability is increasingly integrated in all departments and at all levels of the company. This is particularly reflected in our AG Campus - an airy and innovative work environment where AG staff members can learn, grow and make the most of their talents.

This centre for learning and inspiration is the ideal place to innovate - with, for example, our AG College (FR​-NL), a six-month in-house training programme for people without a higher education degree and to host exciting events like our 2nd Sustainability Day.

AG awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal for Sustainability

The independent rating agency that assesses companies' sustainability efforts on an international scale, has awarded AG the Gold Medal ​​for Sustainability in 2023. As a result, our company ranks in the top 5% of companies worldwide in terms of sustainability and social responsibility.

EcoVadis reviews over 100,000 companies from 200 sectors in 175 countries. The number of criteria to be met, split into four categories (environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement), makes AG proud of this achievement. 


Some years ago, AG ramped up its commitment to responsible investing. Where does the company stand with its investments in Belgium? In what areas?

AG is Belgium's biggest institutional investor. It's a source of great pride, because out of the EUR 70 billion the company invests every year, EUR 25 billion is invested in Belgium. That's almost 37%. AG recently invested in Fluxys (FR-NL​), the Belgian gas network operator, with the aim of becoming an essential link in the transport of hydrogen and CO2. And as part of our pursuit to build a brighter future, in May 2022 we also finalised the acquisition of Anima, a Belgian group active in high-quality senior and elderly care.

In total, we have invested nearly EUR 10 billion, again on the basis of ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria, in sectors or initiatives that make a positive contribution to a more sustainable world. To give you some specific examples, in terms of renewable energy, we've put our financial muscle behind solar panels all over Belgium, the Rentel wind farm in the North Sea, and the tramway in Liège (green mobility infrastructure). For the benefit of local communities, we've invested in hospitals, schools, the prison in Haeren and senior housing (Anima). Naturally, we exclude controversial sectors such as weapons manufacturing, coal mining and the tobacco industry from our investment portfolio.

Finally, via our parent company Ageas, we joined the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) (FR-NL), a member-led initiative of insurers, pension funds and foundations committed to transitioning their investment portfolios to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.​

What other sustainability initiatives is AG working on?

Our ambition is to keep developing sustainable products and to get our brokers increasingly committed to our ideals, such as via Go4impact (FR​​-NL). With Go4Impact, AG recently launched an online tool that brokers can use to identify and reduce their carbon footprint through targeted actions based on their specific business profile. AG is the first insurer in Belgium to introduce such a tool.

We are also currently renovating our buildings to make them more environmentally-friendly and a better place to work, innovate and grow.

Finally, in 2024, the EU CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) will aim to harmonise corporate sustainability reporting and improve the availability and quality of published data. Many companies - including AG - will have to follow mandatory EU sustainability reporting standards and disclose detailed information on their material risks, opportunities and impacts in ESG areas.

How does AG incorporate sustainability in its products?

Here are a few specific examples: the AG EcoBonus for householders' insurance (FR-NL), the acquisition of Touring by AG and BNPPF to develop an EV ecosystem, the MyWellRi tool that assesses employee well-being, and the​ new MyAG Employee Benefits app that offers mental resilience and physical well-being services.

Every day, we eagerly pursue our efforts in sustainability. What's more, our ambition is clear: to offer more products that have a positive impact on our planet, and to generate more premiums from products that accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world. 

About Nathalie Erdmanis

  • Nathalie holds a Master's degree in Business Engineering from Solvay Business School (ULB).
  • Her career has included roles as Vice President of Marketing at Brussels Airlines and Marketing & Communicatio​​ns Director at McDonald's.
  • She joined AG in 2016, initially as Director of Strategic Marketing & Branding.
  • She was appointed to the position of Director of Sustainability at AG in April 2021.
  • In addition to her role at AG, Nathalie also serves on the Board of Directors of the Brussels Chamber of Commerce. 
