Published on 27/06/2022
RECONNECT. Because talent is talent, even after cancer.
At some point, as an employer, you'll need to welcome back a staff member after cancer or while still undergoing treatment. What can you do to support him/her? How can the team accommodate his/her needs? RECONNECT, a free online learning platform developed by Fondation contre le Cancer/Stichting tegen Kanker, provides you with answers and guidance. Because talent is talent, even after cancer.
At some point, as an employer, you'll need to welcome back a staff member after cancer or while still undergoing treatment. What can you do to support him/her? How can the team accommodate his/her needs? RECONNECT, a free online learning platform developed by Fondation contre le Cancer/Stichting tegen Kanker, provides you with answers and guidance. Because talent is talent, even after cancer.
Returning to work after cancer or while still undergoing treatment is an important step. A phased return and proper guidance are essential and contribute to the recovery process. But going back to work can be a daunting prospect. Fellow colleagues may question their abilities, they feel quickly judged by others... not to mention that the manager and the team often lack the right training to give advice and emotional support.
RECONNECT, a free online learning platform specifically for cancer
- Wellbeing
Everything from healthy eating habits to physical fitness, preventive medical check-ups and training courses to boost resilience.
- Follow-up and support for staff members on long-term sick leave
This is something that AG greatly values. And your staff members too. Which is why we created AG Health Partner, our division that specialises in supporting companies as they set up and roll out a preventive wellbeing policy. Plus with our innovative Return To Work programme, we provide proactive, specialised care designed to address the needs of your staff members on long-term sick leave. Such as protection from loss of income, regular social contact, a phased return-to-work plan, support and guidance, job accommodations, etc.
"We are seeing increasing demand from our corporate clients for support in preventive care."
Heidi Delobelle, Chief Executive Officer at AG