More traffic on - AG Employee Benefits

Published on 19/12/2017


Traffic to hits high

Since the website got a facelift on 21 November, more than 160,000 visitors – employees, self-employed workers and civil servants have logged in to check the size of their statutory pension.

The newly overhauled website also contains information about supplementary pension entitlements. More specifically, the 3.1 million employees that are savings towards a 2nd pillar pension can now check the size of their supplementary pension nest egg to date as well as the projected value of their benefits at retirement.

My Global Benefits, the go-to source for 2nd piller information. And much more.

The new My Global Benefits platform developed by AG Insurance provides employers and employees with a complete overview of all their retirement benefits. And that’s not all.

It also contains a wealth of information about death benefit, healthcare (hospitalization and outpatient care) and income protection covers.

This way, your staff members can easily keep tabs on all their corporate-sponsored fringe benefits with AG Employee Benefits.

In addition, by year-end 2018, they’ll also be able to use this portal to carry out a variety of administrative tasks such as reporting a hospital admission or claiming a refund for out-of-pocket medical expenses. Moreover, you can follow these hospitalization notices and reimbursements directly via the platform.

AG Insurance is the first insurance company in Belgium to offer a tool that presents employee benefits in all of their glory, a major change for the better as many employees remain blissfully unaware of what’s included in their fringe benefits package.

According to a recent Vlerick Business School survey, nearly 60% of employees have no idea how much their employer contributes towards their supplementary pension on an annual basis.

And out of the many who claim to know how much their employer sets aside for them, many overestimate this amount and think it represents an average of 8% of their annual salary.

Finally, 48% of employees surveyed are unaware of at least one of the four covers included in their hospitalization insurance.

Call your contact person to find out how to get My Global Benefits up and running at your company.
Want to find out more about My Global Benefits? Click HERE.